Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Word Study Blog

This picture is a good game that students can learn in a fun way, they will learn throughout he repetition of saying and spelling it throughout the game. 

In the article, "Ten Important words plus: A strategy for building word knowledge," I noticed the encouraging aspect that it wanted us as readers and future educators to explore our own vocabulary. When I was younger I always asked questions. I was always interested in why certain things were called what they were. Why is a chair a chair--who gave it that name and why? It is very important, just as noted in the article that students are getting as much time to learn and be around vocabulary in different ways. It is very important to always set a way for learning new tactics in all different ways for all the different speeds of learning.  Repetition is a main way that has always helped me learn words as well as a rhyming technique. I really liked the fact of picking the ten most important words because I definitely think it helps the teacher to know more in depth of what the student needs help on. It is usually good if the student is choosing key words, but if they are not then the teacher needs to focus on helping the student learn the meaning of the vocabulary words. 


  1. I thought the 10 important words activity would be a great activity to use in a classroom. I know there are a lot of times when I read material and after I have finished I am not sure what they main points were. I think this activity would help students comprehend what they are reading. It wouldn't be a bad idea to do this myself! Thanks for the game idea!

  2. I agree with you! Not only does picking the ten most important words help the students learn, it helps the teachers teach. The activity as a whole accomplishes 2 tasks - helping students to learn vocabulary words and helping with reading comprehension by having them pick the most important words in a story.

  3. That's a very good point that repetition is a good tactic for children at any stage of reading. I like that even though you can be a beginning reader or advanced reader, repetition of new words is still effective.
