Saturday, July 7, 2012

Reader's Influences

              As I read the article, “The Jones Family’s Culture of Literacy,” I found that the major idea that sticks out is how much the article stresses on what kind of literary experiences a child has before he or she begins school. I think it is very important that a child has practice reading before he or she does start school. Children come from many different types of backgrounds and cultures. Each different background has different ways of how they view their child’s literary experiences. I think it is so crucial that a child starts being aware of books, how to read, and how to write at the earliest age possible I do understand that all households are different, but this is a major aspect of a child’s developmental growth.

          The child’s family members, neighbors, or even caregivers give these literacy experiences. Each of these individuals that help the child have a crucial role as a reading role model.  In the Jones Family article, it stuck out to me when the extended family all came together to help Kiki. When a child such as  Kiki, has such a strong and large support group, he or she will be well on their way to becoming academically successful. Children definitely look up to adults that read or read to them daily. Children always look up to the close ones that are older than them, even teachers. Teachers are major models to their students, especially through reading and writing. This concludes that people should definitely care more about their actions of reading and writing around children. 


  1. I enjoyed reading this article and finding out the importance of literacy history. Like the Jones family, I was lucky enough to grow up in a household where reading was valued. I was read to often and received a lot of help from my family while learning to read. Unfortunately, not all children have this same opportunity. As a future educator, I hope to learn how I can help my students who did not have this experience before entering school. I think it is a great challenge we will all have to face.

  2. I think your blog is a great foundadion for considering what "reading" is. You start by referring to differnt types of literary experiences. I am wondering which of these types of literacy you are referring to when you state the importnace of practicing readinng before beginning school. Would being a part of prayer in sunday school or assisting in making a grocery list be considered practicing literacy?
