
I really liked the article “Vocabulary Lessons.” It was very
interesting to me because it talked about the fact of how learning morphology
and stems is a very important aspect in a student’s vocabulary development.
This aspect made me think of Chapter 6 of Cunningham & Allington. I thought
it was extremely interesting to find out that for every so many words a student
knows, he or she can make 700 more words. Vocabulary is very essential to a
child’s reading development. I think it is very important for a child to
establish their vocabulary independently as well as in the classroom. I love
how they discussed that the dictionary is a major element to a child’s
vocabulary. I want to make sure I teach my students how important a paperback
dictionary is, not just the Internet. A dictionary helps a child look up the
definition as well as how it is spelled and sounded out. As time progresses
technology grows more and more. I think it is very important for all teachers
to promote paper books and dictionaries and not have everything on electronic
I also liked that the Vocabulary Lessons article pointed out the importance of learning the morphology of a word because this opens the door to a bunch of other words that have similar roots, prefixes, suffixes, etc. I also agree that it is very important that children learn how to use a real paper dictionary, I know so many people, including myself, are guilty of looking up words on the internet because of speed and convenience. I will have to start using a real dictionary again to be a good model to my students, because looking up a word manually does help them sound out the spelling and understand the the basics on how to use a dictionary.